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Plough Anchor

Plough Anchor
  • Item Number: 830
  • Size: 5kg-80kg
  • Material: AISI316
  • Product Description: Plough anchor makes your anchoring experience easier with its innovative self-launching design. The plough anchor’s low center of gravity, shank profile, and ballasted tip allows it to set itself and set immediately. With its self-righting technology, plough anchor sets correctly and can reset itself if necessary.
Product Specifications
Plough Anchor Drawing
Size(Weight) A B C H
kg mm mm mm mm
5 470 242 350 252
7 504 265 395 250
9 571 290 420 305
10 575 298 423 305
12 650 298 423 305
15 687 325 558 355
16 687 325 558 355
20 713 375 560 355
22 720 360 560 355
27 780 405 605 393
34 835 645 653 465
35 810 395 695 425
40 810 645 653 450
50 965 540 745 500
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